Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morton

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morton
Oakland Temple, Oakland, CA

Thank you from Elder Morton.....

I want to thank everyone for your cards, letters, & boxes sent to me while I was on my mission in Peru. Thank you all for thinking of me while I was away.
I love you all.

Rob & Rosita, 12.30.11

Rob & Rosita, 12.30.11
At the Oakland Temple

Monday, July 6, 2009

Letter from Elder Morton July 06, 2009

Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 16:13:07

Hey yall!

I heard about Micheal Jackson and didn't believe it at first. It seemed like a bad joke. It's something that seems like it will never happen, but even the most talented and or famous die. I didn't know Farra Fawscett died, but as you said she wasn't doing well for quite some time. As of now I am good on protein, vitamins, soap, and shampoo for a while. I think I should be good for at least this change. Chris is going to church? Good for him. It's the best atmosphere he could possibly be in. Chris always had a good heart, he just ended up in the wrong crowd for a few years. It's great that Chris has the desire to finish school. His education is of great importance for his future and the more he gets the better for him as a man.

Wow there is dry rot in the bathroom, that will be a tough job. The kitchen floor needs to be replaced too? Man that is crazy.

That is James for ya. I was like that also. Man on that note I'm sorry for how immature, and proud I was. These past few weeks have been a real eye opener for me. I never realized how disobedient I was really until now. The mission is such a big help with young men like myself that need to be more humble, patient and obedient because there is no choice but to be that way or you can't have any success.

Are you serious?! Wow how crazy is that?! Brad Smith is in Santiago, Chile and Zach Zufelt is in the MTC? Man those little ones grow up so fast! How is Elder Cook in Texas? I bet he is doing so well. He was the type of young man I wish I was and pray my kids will be like. I will have to write him a quick note. Yes people can still write me at I get those every time we have interviews with the president. Once a month basically. Yeah forwarding the emails with photos to my yahoo account is cool.

Speaking of photos is the problem with the I was going t mail you is that someone erased all my photos in Pucallpa the jungle) and a member has a program that retreived all my photos which is awesome. The problem is now here isnt any computers that want to read this disc to burn a CD. I will look around for a place here but I havent had a chance yet because every monday and tuesday we are in a bus for three hours for P-day and another three hours for zone meetings so basically all my free time is spent in a bus, but today we have our p-day in my area so I will look around.

Every day I am here I realize how many opportunities I had and how blessed I was and Wow I didn' take advantage of my blessings at all and for that I'm here, 26 years old in a country that's nothing like Rocklin, CA. I am just now learning things that 19 year old kids learn in the church. Where did the time go? God is so patient with us. I have a year left to work on my weaknesses so that I can be a good missionary and by the grace of God alone I will return home the man I was supposed to be. Pray for me, I will need it!

I love you guys so very much and pray every day that you too can overcome your trials and hard times. Remember to always keep the cammandments and never give up no matter what the adversary says.

I love you all!

Elder Morton

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1st Letter From Elder Morton from Lima, Peru, 08.27.08

Hey Mom & Dad,
I have reached my mission home in Lima, Peru and the President and his wife are great!
The Elders are nice & my companion is a good guy from what I hear.
All of your packages made it to the mission home. When I get to my area I will see which ones came. I will write you to confirm. I may or may not email you today but if I can I will. So far so good, I am alive and well.
I am excited to teach the gospel to develop a stronger relationship of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. It will be hard but I knew that to begin with.
The most important thing is that I concentrate on becoming the best missionary that I can be, so that you all will be blessed spiritually, & temporally, as our faith is tested.
I love you guys and pray for you every day. I know no matter if we work hard with our eyes set on eternal salvation things will work out for the best.
Never give up!
Elder Morton
Somos de la Norte

Futbol in Estadio Aliardo Soria

Futbol in Estadio Aliardo Soria
The Power Zone of Pucallpa Soccer Team of Lima, Peru: Elder Morton in back row in gray T shirt next to Elder Rich

The Power Zone of Pucallpa!

The Power Zone of Pucallpa!
Elder Morton with fellow futbol players


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