Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morton

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morton
Oakland Temple, Oakland, CA

Thank you from Elder Morton.....

I want to thank everyone for your cards, letters, & boxes sent to me while I was on my mission in Peru. Thank you all for thinking of me while I was away.
I love you all.

Rob & Rosita, 12.30.11

Rob & Rosita, 12.30.11
At the Oakland Temple

Monday, May 25, 2009

Letter from Elder Morton, 05.25.09

Hey yall!

I received a box on Friday when we had interviews with the President. The letter was marked April 25th. It had beef jerky, cereal, protein powder, multi vitamins, protein bars, floss, toothpaste, gel, aftershave, and conditioner.

Wow! Jackie is 2 inches taller, I want that surgery! LOL! It’s good to hear she is getting better and feeling less pain, maybe she won’t have to take so many medications.

So you support the business as a consumer, but your not building it? Come on Mom you guys can do better than that. It may not be easy but if you put your faith in the lord and give it your best he will fill in the rest so that you can accomplish your dreams, look at Wade and Terri Simmons! Mom and Dad they are not superior to you, they just accomplished their dream sooner because they stuck with it longer, but you can always refocus and get on that stage with them and enjoy the blessings associated with putting the lord first and working like nothing is impossible. Keep up the good exercise and eating healthy, you will reap the rewards of that decision soon. Don’t stress about things just plan things out in order of importance and organize your time like Steve Jones talks about so that you can do the things you want to do, not just the things you HAVE to do.

Don’t worry about what anyone else is going to do. They know the deal and if they don’t want to cooperate tell them Uncle Rob said "They have one week to get their act together or the door is open" That goes for all them. They aren’t babies anymore. James is getting his act together, if the rest don’t fall in line there is no excuse. I am really proud of James. I knew he could do it. It’s a shame it took him so long to have the confidence in himself to make it a reality.

It's good to hear Annette stopped by for a visit that was a nice surprise. Good to hear it went relatively well.

Rob A managed a 4.0 that’s really good! That’s something I couldn’t do when I was there, but now I am a completely different person. On that note there is a better way than he took and I will share that with Rob A when I write my letter to you guys.

I plan on returning to Fitness 19, if possible and working my way up to manager as a short term goal. I have a whole lot more to offer as a return missionary than I did before. I can speak Spanish fluently, I no longer have fear with talking to strangers, and I am a lot more organized in my daily habits as well as super motivated. Meanwhile I plan on working the business like Clarke Broome and being active in the church doing whatever I can during the week and enjoying my Sundays in the church and with the family.

Its good to hear things are better for for Mike and Sun. I feel bad for Wally. Is Jenn going to the gym? You two need to get it going!

As the title said I am really finding myself here in the jungle. It has been a tough road here, but my pride has shrunk considerably and at the same time my patience has grown immensely. I now understand what a man really is and has to be. I realize now that before my mission I wasn’t the type of person, (no matter how good or nice I was) that could honestly have had a serious relationship with the type of Mormon girl I was looking for. Return missionaries if they were obedient and worked hard, are a completely different animal than any other guy in the world. I am so very grateful for this opportunity to serve for these two years, its something very special and I thank you Mom and Dad for making it possible. Please say Hi to the Morton’s, the Roes, the Souza’s, the Crombie’s, the Giosso’s, the Minguzzi’s, the Wilson’s, the Mc Keevers, the Watkins, Kelvin, all of the YOUNG GUNS, Rocklin 2nd, Rocklin 6th and Everyone who cares about me because I love them ALL!

Elder Morton,

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1st Letter From Elder Morton from Lima, Peru, 08.27.08

Hey Mom & Dad,
I have reached my mission home in Lima, Peru and the President and his wife are great!
The Elders are nice & my companion is a good guy from what I hear.
All of your packages made it to the mission home. When I get to my area I will see which ones came. I will write you to confirm. I may or may not email you today but if I can I will. So far so good, I am alive and well.
I am excited to teach the gospel to develop a stronger relationship of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. It will be hard but I knew that to begin with.
The most important thing is that I concentrate on becoming the best missionary that I can be, so that you all will be blessed spiritually, & temporally, as our faith is tested.
I love you guys and pray for you every day. I know no matter if we work hard with our eyes set on eternal salvation things will work out for the best.
Never give up!
Elder Morton
Somos de la Norte

Futbol in Estadio Aliardo Soria

Futbol in Estadio Aliardo Soria
The Power Zone of Pucallpa Soccer Team of Lima, Peru: Elder Morton in back row in gray T shirt next to Elder Rich

The Power Zone of Pucallpa!

The Power Zone of Pucallpa!
Elder Morton with fellow futbol players


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