Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morton

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morton
Oakland Temple, Oakland, CA

Thank you from Elder Morton.....

I want to thank everyone for your cards, letters, & boxes sent to me while I was on my mission in Peru. Thank you all for thinking of me while I was away.
I love you all.

Rob & Rosita, 12.30.11

Rob & Rosita, 12.30.11
At the Oakland Temple

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Letter From Elder Morton, 11-28-08

Wednesday, 11-05-08

Hola Familia!


Wow, when I think things can't get any crazier they do! Crazy not in a bad way so don't worry, but its a constant roller coasterthat I'm on called a "Mission."

First things first the work here is good, but my companion Elder Saenz was sent some where else because my current companion Elder Garnica was having problems; so the fun is over for me. No worries though he seems like a good kid. Home boy speaks no English so I have no choice but to talk more in Spanish than I had to before. Plus I've been in this area for almost 10 weeks so I have to show him the ropes, it's all good. I can't believe its November already! On that note on my P-day (personal day) which is Monday Iwill send those pictures Mom wanted. Consider it a huge birthday from Peru! That's really all I can send for now. There are probably 150 photos.

Saturday, 11-15-08

As of today I have received two boxes: one with my suit,& black slacks, garments, & goodies. The other box had protein powder, cookies, protein bars, orange stuff for my water, shaving cream, shampoo, cold medicine, & razors. Thank you Mom, You Rock! But I must say again, please be careful with your finances, especially with things with the economy being "iffy" to nice. I don't want you guys to have a harder time finacially because your're sending me a bunch of stuff, than when I was home helping you out with the mortgage. The reason I always ask about the business and how it is going is because if you are consistent you will be able to enjoy the fuits of your labor sooner than later, and that would make me so very happy to know that while I am here blessing the lives of others, through preaching the gospel you are home not only blessing the lives of others through the business but having your lives blessed financially as a reward for your hard work. I Love You guys even though you are kind of crazy :-) I really feel as though I have the best family in the world.

I pray for you guys at least 5 times a day so I know that some good will come of my efforts for you guys. God Loves Us. I know this to be true. If we do what we are supposed to do like following the Commandments, working hard, staying positive, good things will happen because God wants us to be happy. I have seen so many mircles and changes of heart that I can not deny the fact that God is working hard also that the devil too is working hard, so we must Pray and Pray often if we expect to win this marathon we call Life. As of today we have baptized 12 people and if everything goes well tonight it will be 18! The Church is true, even down here! Much Love for you all and I can't wait to hear from you all!


Elder Morton

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1st Letter From Elder Morton from Lima, Peru, 08.27.08

Hey Mom & Dad,
I have reached my mission home in Lima, Peru and the President and his wife are great!
The Elders are nice & my companion is a good guy from what I hear.
All of your packages made it to the mission home. When I get to my area I will see which ones came. I will write you to confirm. I may or may not email you today but if I can I will. So far so good, I am alive and well.
I am excited to teach the gospel to develop a stronger relationship of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. It will be hard but I knew that to begin with.
The most important thing is that I concentrate on becoming the best missionary that I can be, so that you all will be blessed spiritually, & temporally, as our faith is tested.
I love you guys and pray for you every day. I know no matter if we work hard with our eyes set on eternal salvation things will work out for the best.
Never give up!
Elder Morton
Somos de la Norte

Futbol in Estadio Aliardo Soria

Futbol in Estadio Aliardo Soria
The Power Zone of Pucallpa Soccer Team of Lima, Peru: Elder Morton in back row in gray T shirt next to Elder Rich

The Power Zone of Pucallpa!

The Power Zone of Pucallpa!
Elder Morton with fellow futbol players


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