Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morton

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morton
Oakland Temple, Oakland, CA

Thank you from Elder Morton.....

I want to thank everyone for your cards, letters, & boxes sent to me while I was on my mission in Peru. Thank you all for thinking of me while I was away.
I love you all.

Rob & Rosita, 12.30.11

Rob & Rosita, 12.30.11
At the Oakland Temple

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Elder Robert Morton's Testimony

Robert Morton mayor dejó su testimonio en un Libro de mormón para mí compartir con usted.

Este libro y las palabras contenidos han bendecido en ello mi vida en numerosas maneras. Sé que las palabras contenidas dentro de estas páginas son las revelaciones de verdad de la vida de Jesus y sus personas. Este testamento es la prueba que Jesus vive y hay una Ganancia en esta tierra hoy que recibe la inspiración y la revelación de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Sé que este libro bendice el vive de los que lo leen sin ningún prejuicio y un corazón humilde. El libro de mormón es verdad y esto es la Iglesia de Jesucristo y si usted ora que usted recibirá la confirmación que hice. Oro que este libro bendecirá que su vida hasta el punto lo minara, y digo estas cosas en el nombre de Jesucristo.

Translation in English:

Elder Robert Morton left his testimony in a Book of Mormon for me to share with you.

This book and the words contained in it have blessed my life in numerous ways. I know that the words contained within these pages are true revelations of the life of Jesus and his people. This testament is proof that Jesus lives and there is a Profit on this earth today who receives inspiration and revelation from our Lord Jesus Christ. I know that this book bless the lives of those who read it with an open mind and a humble heart. The book of Mormon is true and this is the Church of Jesus Christ and if you pray you will receive the confirmation I did. I pray that this book will bless your life to the extent it did mine, and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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1st Letter From Elder Morton from Lima, Peru, 08.27.08

Hey Mom & Dad,
I have reached my mission home in Lima, Peru and the President and his wife are great!
The Elders are nice & my companion is a good guy from what I hear.
All of your packages made it to the mission home. When I get to my area I will see which ones came. I will write you to confirm. I may or may not email you today but if I can I will. So far so good, I am alive and well.
I am excited to teach the gospel to develop a stronger relationship of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. It will be hard but I knew that to begin with.
The most important thing is that I concentrate on becoming the best missionary that I can be, so that you all will be blessed spiritually, & temporally, as our faith is tested.
I love you guys and pray for you every day. I know no matter if we work hard with our eyes set on eternal salvation things will work out for the best.
Never give up!
Elder Morton
Somos de la Norte

Futbol in Estadio Aliardo Soria

Futbol in Estadio Aliardo Soria
The Power Zone of Pucallpa Soccer Team of Lima, Peru: Elder Morton in back row in gray T shirt next to Elder Rich

The Power Zone of Pucallpa!

The Power Zone of Pucallpa!
Elder Morton with fellow futbol players


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